Specific for: MEOSTAR R1 1-4x22 - ZII MEOSTAR R1 1-4x22 - 1 MEOSTAR R1 1-4x22 - 4 MEOSTAR R1 1-4x22 RD - KD MEOSTAR R1 1-4x22 RD / MR - KD The Meopta ballistic calculator helps to simplify the Challenges of hunting and long range shooting. Detailed information about the tilt angle and the depth perception effects related to your target are just a few of the main details provided by the calculator. The biggest benefit is the easy-to-understand graphical representation of the precise distance measurements for each viewer and the different Meopta gratings. The calculator is available online as well as a free application for all Android and iOS platforms. Http://calculator.meoptasportsoptics.com The Meopta Ballistic Hunt Turret (BHT) is designed to help shooters establish impact points at multiple distances. The multiple points of impact will be calibrated for your weapon working with our ballistic calculator. BHT is a self-assembled unit that fits most Meopta displays.